Monday, September 5, 2011

Sex Education

Well today there was a Doctor Who (someone I don't know) came to my school to give us, the senior students a talk about sex education. Sex education huh? Every one's face was showing a trace of strange smile after we knew that we were going to listen the talk. The talk was okay except for the disgusting, explicit images of private place and the abortion video. At least I learnt that we can't use a pair of scissor to open the condom package, barehanded instead. Surprising? :D

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


To someone whom you know who you are. I know that you are reading this. Tell me when you are coming back so that I can plan for another outing.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


"A face without freckles is like a sky without stars!" -Stephen Majercik

I think this is the best quote for the freckles lover. Well, I am lightly freckled which I inherited them from my mother and I am so happy with it. I really really really love them laying on my face and body, freaky but hell yes. I love freckles!!! If you ask me what facial features do I like best about myself, it would be F-R-E-C-K-L-E-S FRECKLES!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Favourite

I don't know how we three met each other;
I don't know since when we three get along so well;
I all know is I want to treasure you two for forever

-Louie Law

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Drama Queens Strike The Class

After our choir practice, supposed that we have to give some comments or opinions on the practice. But it turned out to be a horrible argument?? I don't quite know. To be honest, I thought that was kinda stupid and lame. What was the point of sharing? I don't know. It was just wasting of time. People cried as the two drama queens hugged each other. And I admit it, I nearly broke down, too. Yet, I hold back my tears. I knew it doesn't worth even a milliliter of my tears because the same thing will happen again and again.

All I can do was laid back and wait for the bell rings. At that moment, I wanted to go home so badly. I hate that place.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011


It is so funny that I am a friend with them but to be honest, I hate them from the bottom of my heart. Well, I have three or four frenemies now, or maybe more than that. Who cares? As long as I am happy with it. I don't give a damn if they really hate me or gossip about me. Who the heck they think they are? Listen here you bitch, if you are trying to make me get on, I will then show you my true colors. Puta!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


While driving on the way back to my home, I saw a tattoo parlour. At that moment I was like stoned and keep looking out from the car glass. It was freaking awesome because the shop is located somewhere near my place and it just needs to take about 10 minutes from my place to there. Okay, I think I should off my line now as there is going to be an Economics test tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011


Whoa! My first term final exam eventually ended today. The exam has tortured us for like six days. That was really insane man. I was quite disappointed with myself in the English language paper. The paper was so freaking hard and actually I was going to aim more higher marks than last time. Unfortunately, I don't think I can get it. No one knows how frustrated I was. English language is the only subject that I liked throughout all. :'(

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Curry Boy & Huga Bear

I was sitting in the school hall this morning. Something popped up to my mind suddenly. It was a memory, a long lost memory which I had locked it deep down into my heart. And that memory brought me back to the time. The time where my memory begins.

It was three years ago when the first time I met him. I used to call him "curry" and he used to call me "bear". Sounds stupid right? I know it was, we were so young at that time. We did lots of crazy chat and painting, literally. I really enjoyed it. One day, he told me that he wanted to be a shining star just like his brother. Eventually, he did.

Three years before, he was just an ordinary boy. Three years after, he is a shining star on the stage, outshining. I then realize that he is no longer the boy that I met before but a glistening star which is far far away from me. And I knew that, I could never reach my hands to it. Both of us came from different walks of life, what can I do?

Memories, they tasted just like lemon-lime soda, sweet yet sour. And now, I have to awake from the memories and get back to the reality. It is the time for me to lock them back into my heart again. A sorrowful memory which I will never ever unlock it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I've got nothing for my mom today. I may not be the greatest daughter, but I will try my best. Mom, I love you!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Show

I don't really enjoy my high school life. Yet, I have to admit it my high school life is really exciting. I can sit in my place for like the whole day and looking what's going on around those people. Everyday I see different types of people. Mad, angry, drama king, drama name it! And this morning, I am so lucky to witness a cat fight between two of my classmates. (in a sarcastic way) One of them eventually broke down. I have to say that this is so stupid. You don't have to fight in front of the public, or you need not to fight actually. The best solution is talk to each other in a more peaceful way. Just give it a try, booby! Throughout these years, I have seen a lot of cases like this. Some of my friends came to me and declare that they wanted to break up with their friend but the next minute, guess what? They are friends again!

My conclusion for today is life is like a drama and maybe I am the next drama queen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kuala Lumpur Day 1

I am here, somewhere in Kuala Lumpur. Sitting in front of a mirror, blogging. Well, I haven't been writing until now because I always feel like a blank sheet.

Me and my family arrived here about 10 something in the morning. We had our brunch at some place that I don't know. After that we went to Mid Valley to shopping. I did not get anything from there. I want that Spongebob Crocs, but they are only for kids. *wtf*

I am so blank right now. I don't know what I have to type now. :(

Overall, my opinion for Kuala Lumpur is it's a really big city. To be honest, I am not used to it as I thought the life in K.L. is pretty complicated?? Hmm....complicated I think cause I can't think of another words to describe. And, the food here are quite pricey especially seafood.

Aww....I missed my hometown now. Can't wait till the day I go back!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I have just discovered a super power of myself. I can actually make myself transparent, literally. First of all, I have not been in a good mood as this morning someone pissed me off, again! Please give me a break bitch, I am so sick of your attitude. Today's afternoon is rubbish. I was being treated as an invisible woman for the whole afternoon. And yes, I can really fit in well being an invisible woman.

(p.s. I don't have any super power, I am just being sarcastic to myself.^^)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Face Problem

I have a bitchy face which everyone wants to slap in it. Teacher asked me that why I never showed my smiling face. I smiled awkwardly instead of answering her question. She thought that I was having a hard time in my house or something like that. Tell you what, schooling is the real hard time for me.

I am freaking tired today, fuck off if you want to tease me!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I had calamari rings served with lemon mayonnaise sauce and my favourite, stir-fried pork with kimchi as dinner. Delicious! I really enjoyed the dinner as they were all my favourite dishes. It's Friday, so I went to tuition with Carmen again. She brought me some tasty vanilla spongecake.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I went to my grandpa's house just now and he gave us lots of seafood. And of course my favourite, squids!!! I can see a plate of calamari rings in front of me now. But, I felt a little sorry for those squids for eating them. Maybe I should really start my vegan diet in order to protect the animals. *Laughing* Yes, I know it sounds so stupid and fake. Don't you feel guilty after slaughtering the animals and eat them? I do. Because I think animal also has their rights just like us. Sorry, squids! I am going to kill you all tomorrow. :/

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Untitled Again

People!!!!!!!!!!! Go and check out Carrie Underwood's There's A Place For Us. I am not sure if it's new or old, it's a really nice song though. Goodnight, I will update my blog next time. ^^

Friday, March 11, 2011

Plan A

Since my previous schedule was canceled, I went to Carmen's house and we decided to make some Sushi as our supper. It tastes delicious and I really enjoyed the process. After that, I heard that there's a massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan from the breaking news. Well, I can tell you that this is the most "breaking" news I have ever heard. Hope everything will be fine soon. Carmen and I went to tuition at about 7 something. I learned a lot from the teacher and she gave each of us a novel from Nicholas Sparks which I think it was great because I have been wanting the book for a long time. Okay, I am going to spend my holiday with reading books.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I was supposed to update my blog yesterday. I am very concern about my own privacy. I don't like it when my parents check my notebook or my cellphone. I know that they're just doing what all the parent does, concerns about their kids. Yet, I still can't stand for this. Besides, I also dislike someone in my school who always spill people's secret or privacy. Sometimes, I would rather daydreaming than listen to her crap. Last but not least, I don't like bible bashers!!! They are just really into their religion and I think you know what I mean by it. Sorry, this is just my opinion, no offence though.

(p.s. I am so sleepy, goodnight!)

Monday, March 7, 2011

I Am A Lazybird

I have not been blogging for almost 2 weeks, maybe. Apparently, I am too lazy for everything. Exam is on now, but I am too lazy to read something, something that relates to examination. I am going to update my blog tomorrow. :) Recommendation as for today: Such Great Heights by Iron and Wine, Proposal by Bye Bye Sea

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Brother

Talking about my brother, I can tell you that he is definitely a badass. I am sorry to say that, but that is the fact. When I just reached home from school this afternoon, my dad told me that just now he received a text message from my brother's form teacher stating that my brother was caught skipping class on the last Thursday. My brother's form teacher wants to meet with my parents and talk about my brother's problem. *Sigh* I have got no comment about my brother, my parents were so disappointed with him. Any one please save my brother from his bad company!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

I got this little gift from Samantha this morning which I think it was really sweet. I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, I eat chocolate instead. ;) Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I can tell you that she's the most fake person that I've ever met. All the things she has told me were just a lie. I don't know what does she want. I have already made the largest concession for her. Give me a break please! I just need some more fresh air and get rid of your annoying problem. Your problem doesn't really matters a lot as they were all directed by yourself.

*There's a lie in believe.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I am coward

Something bad happened this morning but luckily I had dealt with it. I don't get it why there is always people who like to take things for granted. They just pisses me off every time! Plus, I don't like people who borrowed my book and never return it to me until the last minute. During the morning study time, our form teacher told us that don't be a coward, just say it out what you feel. Just say it out? Is that so?? What if we expressed our true feelings? I can imagine that. *BOOM* Conflict appears! Anyway, whatever they are doing is none of my business because I am coward. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The End

If my life was a dish, I would considered myself as the leftovers. I am feeling that I am unimportant at all. I was always left behind in the group. They never realize my appearance, never...or maybe once. It's a shame when I found out that I don't have a friend who can reads my true feelings. Am I too hypocrite? Well, I guess the answer is "yes". Since my elementary school period, I have never stayed in a good relationship with my groups. Until now, I still can't break the spell. Everyday, I just feel the misery over me. I am seriously not okay, but I will try harder. I won't give even a piece of shit on it now as there is still many great things waiting for me. After this year, I will call this as an end. I want it to get the hell out of my memories. Goodbye actors and thanks for the drama you brought me!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Am I A Badass or I Am A Badass

Well, until today, tonight, this moment I can still remember what had happened between me and the disciplinarian that day. I remember that morning, I went to the discipline board and knocked the door. I greeted her politely as I was walking towards her. I finally had my guts to ask for her permission to wear earrings since I got my ear pierced. I was asking her in a polite way but what I get after all was crap, yes crap! After I reached home, I kept thinking about it and I finally got a conclusion and my so called "life philosophy". The conclusion is never ask the disciplinarian for any permission because they will never give you a good answer and talk to you in a nice way. New philosophy is I am asking for your permission or inform you that just because you're elder than me and I respect you, if I was a badass or a rude person I would never do that. I would have disobeyed the school rules just if I was a badass. By the way, I also discovered that the disciplinarians seldom or never or seldom....NEVER listen to our explanations.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Green Connection

A great place to learn and explore new things. But I was somewhat blurred by their British accent. :(

Official Website: The Green Connection

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I always knew that there would be some disagreement and collision between the classmates whenever it comes up with something that we need to work out together. And it always ended like a crap. That's the reason why I don't want to join any activities. The signs of conflict in my class finally came up as the sports meet is just around the corner. I can tell that the class is almost separated if we do not fix the problem. But I am okay with it because according to my philosophy, if there's a positive side and negative side in my class, I would stand on the neutral side.

Forget about the school thing. Tell you guys something. I finally got my ear pierced on last Saturday! That was the second piercing after 13 years. Piercing was so fun and I am really addicted to it now. I am sure that I will come back for another ear piercing! :)

And hey folks, I have got some recommendation for you guys. My brother and I watched a really great TV series, The Walking Dead. Too bad, the drama only has 6 episodes for season one and it was stated that the second season will be debut on October 2011. OMG!!! I am starving for it!!!! Besides, I am currently listening to The Andrew Sisters and Toots and the Maytals. I need more of these, a catchy beat that will drives me crazy!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It's been a while since the last post. I was so busy for the past 2 weeks. I saw the message that sent by someone at my chat box. I am not sure if you're viewing this post, but if you do, I would like to say thanks to you for stopping by and view my post. I don't really give a damn if you hate me and hate what I have posted on my blog. But I do appreciate if you like them. Any comments and criticise are welcomed.


Monday, January 17, 2011



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Am A Hater

Things were not really going well these few days. I don't have the want to be in that class or join any event. My class is going to have a class gathering on 22nd and 23th of January which was suggested by my form teacher in order to know more about us. I don't really want to go for some personal reason.

I talked to my form teacher this morning and I am really glad that there's someone who can really listen to me. But I am still not sure if I am going to the class gathering. Something really pissed me off today. Someone told me that don't be that negative thinking and I was like wtf she was talking about. Well yes I have to admit that I am a real hater but doesn't mean that everything in my mind equals to negative. Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone if you don't know anything about me. Don't pretend that you know me very well because you don't. I don't need any advice from you because you don't know me and you're not my momma.

The last thing I want to tell you guys are I won't change for anything and I won't do anything to please anyone because I was not born to please you guys. Hate me? I don't give a damn.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today was my very first day of being a Senior 3 student. New academic year and fuck my life please. I hate being there. I hate this place. I hate it when I was sitting there alone in the classroom. I hate when I was talking to you, you showed me the boring face. I hate the new classroom. I hate the dirty floor. I hate everything in the school!

I don't want to do or get involved in anything. I don't want to get close with anyone. I don't want people to know about me. I don't want to open my heart to anyone. All I want to do is laid back and be an average student.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Untitled 1

Went to 1 Borneo this afternoon and I saw many people wearing tattoo. OMG!!! I am so envy. Don't know when I can get one of them. Oh ya...I want a butterfly on my arm, the butterfly from paramore's album cover. I should wait until I am enough age to get one, be patient! :)

(p.s. School reopens tomorrow, I feel so fear. :S)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


First day and first month of the year 2011. My gosh, hope everything is working good!