Monday, September 27, 2010

Popular? Unpopular?

I have been thinking this question all day long. What's the feeling of being an unpopular student? Did they ever cried? What if I was one of the unpopular student? Seeing the unpopular one being isolated by those popular one made me feel so sympathize. Imagine that you're the one being isolated and taunted by everyone, what do you feel? Do you feel happy? By the way, I admire those who won't beat down by the frustration no matter what the circumstances are. I think they are really brave and full of confidence in themselves. But for me, I might not be that brave as I has low self-esteem. You might not like the one that you had encountered with, but that's our responsibility to be nice and friendly to them instead of isolation. Sometimes we just need to stand at their point of view. Just listen to their thoughts and care for their feelings. Never despise someone!

(p.s. The above was my thoughts and opinions about the unpopular one and the popular one. Any allusion is purely coincidental.)

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